Check out the Skeleton directory to see the included templates.

Templates are parsed with twig so all the normal twig filters are available to you.

Since you are basing your templates off of an entity, there are a number of unique variables available to you in your twig templates:

Available Twig Variables

Name Type Description
entity string The entity name
entityCC string The entity name in camel-case format
entityUS string The entity name in underscore format
entityTitle string The entity name in title format
entityTitleLC string The entity name in lowercase title format
fields array The entities fields. (Click to view)
uniqueManyToOneRelations array An array of unique manyToOne relations.
bundleVendor string The bundles vendor name (ex. Avro).
bundleBaseName string The bundles base name (ex. GeneratorBundle).
bundleName string The bundles name (ex. AvroGeneratorBundle).
bundleCorename string The bundles core name (ex. generator).
bundlePath string The bundle path relative to system path.
bundleNamespace string The bundles namespace (ex. Avro\GeneratorBundle).
bundleAlias string The bundles alias (ex. avro_generator)

FYI: All system parameters are also available as variables. (ex. {{ framework.default_locale }})

← ConfigurationIncluded Templates →
{% raw %}{% endraw %}